
Wavecontrol Abril Webinar:  Los campos electromagnéticos y sus efectos en la salud asociados

Wavecontrol Abril Webinar: Los campos electromagnéticos y sus efectos en la salud asociados

Hemos preparado un seminario online para abril con información práctica sobre los campos electromagnéticos y sus efectos en la salud asociados.

  1. EMF and Health - Low frequency effects and applications (April 27, 2023).
  • Different slots for all webinars.
  • Times are in CET (GMT +2) for Europe / EST (GMT - 4) for USA. Check your local time

1. EMF and its associated health effects

Electromagnetic fields interact with human bodies in different ways (electrostimulation and thermal effects) which have numerous direct and indirect impact on human health.

In this webinar, we will review the two main health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and how they affect humans. We will also review standards requirements for low frequency fields and newest solutions in the market to meet these requirements.

Different applications where EMF (both in low and high frequencies) is present and their corresponding standards will be reviewed.

Please note:
• The registration to the webinar will close 1 hour prior to the meeting.
• This webinar is intended for professionals. Only registrations with full professional information will be accepted.
April 27th, 2023 

Register in one of the sessions below:

English | 9:30 am CET (Europe) / 4:30 pm HKT (Hong Kong) →
English | 5:00 pm CET (Europe) / 11:00 am EST (USA) →

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Wavecontrol S.L.
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Wavecontrol Inc.
101 Eisenhower Pkwy Suite 300
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