New! Accredited Calibration of Static Field Probes

Wavecontrol calibration laboratory is proud to announce that it has been granted ISO 17025 accreditation for the calibration of static field probes.

So this service is now available for the calibration of magnetic flux density (B) at 0 Hz:

  • in the range: 100 µT – 80 mT, and
  • at 730 mT

Our complete scope of accreditation is as follows:

Electric field:

  • Accredited Calibration: From 10 Hz to 18 GHz.
  • Traceable Calibration: From 18 GHz to 40 GHz.

Magnetic field:

  • Accredited Calibration: At 0 Hz and from 10 Hz to 100 kHz
  • Traceable Calibration: From 300 kHz to 1 GHz

We remind you that we can calibrate not only Wavecontrol's but also other brand instruments.

We are aware of the importance of reducing the downtime of instruments so we strive to offer the fastest calibration times in the market.

You can get more information about this new upgrade by clicking here.